Astha Kataria, Managing Trustee, Ashok Group of Schools, is an edupreneur by passion who strongly believes that the primary aim of education is to bring about a synergy between students, their parents and educators.
She is an Electronics Engineer by qualification and upholds the tenet that education should be dynamic and ever-evolving.
Driven by her passion to bring about a change in the teaching-learning practices, she took charge of Ashoka Group of Schools in the year 2007.
She strongly believes that education is a noble profession and it is very gratifying to participate in grooming the Generation Next of the country.
Being in a leadership position in the school management committee, Kataria is constantly working towards facilitating learning that transcends the bounds of mere knowledge and rather instigates application.
She constantly strives to strike a balance in creating lifelong learners while inculcating deep-rooted Indian ethos and values in them.