Social Science Research Grant Program on Anti Doping with $150,000 funding for HEI: Starts from Oct 2023


Recently, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has extended an opportunity to higher education and research institutions in India to get a WADA’s Social Science Research Grant Program of US$150,000 for each project to pursue research on anti-doping in sports.

What is anti-doping in sports?

The advent of drug and other illegal substances by sportsmen raised an alarming situation across the sports federations. Doping in sports involves the use of prohibited substances or methods by athletes to enhance their performance artificially. According to a report, over 30% of athletes participating in the 2011 World Championships in Athletics admitted having used banned substances during their careers (BBC Sport. 29 August 2017).

 According to a study commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), 44% of them had actually used them.

The doping data encompasses various aspects, including the prevalence of doping, types of substances or methods used, testing results, sanctions, and efforts to combat doping.The Role of NADA—India?

The role of the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) is to execute the anti-doping initiative and advance education and research concerning anti-doping practices within the nation. India is a participant in the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sports and a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

What is WADA?

WADA was established in 1999 as an international independent agency to lead a collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport. WADA’s governance and funding are based on an equal partnership between the sport movement and governments around the world.

The main responsibility of WADA involves the formulation, alignment, and orchestration of anti-doping regulations and strategies spanning across sports and nations. WADA’s principal endeavors encompass scientific and social science research, educational initiatives, intelligence gathering, investigations, strengthening anti-doping capabilities, and overseeing adherence to the World Anti-Doping Program.

About the Research Grant

WADA, dedicated to upholding the purity of sports, has been awarding research grants through its Social Science Research Grant Program since 2005 and publishing various research reports, supporting about 136 projects worldwide to date, with a total funding of US $4.5 million. However, India has yet to have a project chosen for this grant program.

The Schedule

The Grant Program is scheduled to open in October 2023, and selected projects have the potential to be awarded up to US $150,000 each. This initiative presents an excellent opportunity for our higher education and research institutions to actively engage in anti-doping research and education, contributing to the global effort to eliminate doping in sports.

For further query and coordination, HEI’s can contact the Grant Program and coordinate with Mr. Yimal Anand, IRS, Director General & CEO of NADA, Phone: 01 1 24368248, Email:

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