Impact of Digital Media on New Generation Education


With the inception and impact of technology in education, we are seeing a lot of innovative changes in teaching methodologies of educational institutes these days. Educational institutions are improving their systems to enhance academic rigour. Universities are using social media in the teaching-learning process to find new value for creating suitable learning among students.

Social media implementation is giving way to the development of the new educational system. Students are frequently exchanging thoughts and knowledge with each other on social media. On the other hand, scholars are offering online tutorials and collecting valuable information through social media.

In today’s interlinked world, the impact of social network on education is attracting a lot of attention. It is evolving as a powerful factor to gain a competitive advantage over peer institutions. Due to the growing influence of digital technology, the world is becoming flattered. It is altering the technique of conveying lessons.

Social media influence is increasing day by day in education. It is becoming the new hope of obtaining knowledge for a student. It is changing their overall educational experience. With the introduction of digital media technologies, the delivery of educational programs has improved.

Positive Influences of Digital Media on Education

In the digital world, the learner is very different.  They think and act differently. New age learners are more interconnected and better informed.

As a positive influence of digital media, it is easy to work together with geographically distributed teams for project assignments using social networks. Student can make WhatsApp and Facebook groups or even just use Twitter hashtags to exchange inputs regarding the assignment and distribute information. Although this can moreover be completed through communication mediums such as email, however social media provides an interesting conversational style to interact.

Knowledge is affecting at an escalating rapidity with the usage of digital media in education.

Negative Influences of Digital Media on Education

Digital media is also having very negative effects on students. They are getting addicted to this medium. Students waste a lot of their time on social networks. They are getting distracted from their actual aim in life and becoming habitual of social media. It is taking them away from the benefits of reading books and limiting the potential of their creative minds.

Students cannot work independently to produce valuable content. Excessive use of social media is distorting communication skills. They fail to frame grammatically correct sentences while communicating. As a result, the other person does not understand the real context of the conversation.

The approval of social media in education has produced several challenges in learning. Whether these things are completely negative to the social order is yet to be seen, but there are certainly some benefits of social media that confidently influences students’ outcomes.

Utilization of Digital Media in Education

Utilization of digital media in education provides students with the capability to get additional useful knowledge and to attach with learning groups and other educational systems that make education expedient. Digital media trappings give students and institutions various opportunities to develop new knowledge methods.

Achieving useful knowledge through digital media continues to be an important element in modern education.  Each day use of all forms of digital media is becoming an integral part of our lives and for that reason is fast becoming a key part of education as well.

Educators believe that the development of digital media presents great prospects to modernize education. Digital learning has been making an insurrection in the education system. Entrenched with current day technologies, modern classrooms present everlasting enjoyment.

Access to digital media has become a reality even in smaller cities in the country. These cities are enlightening even the modest of scholars and making new conventions of education. The whole ecosystem of education has not only transformed the perception of students towards learning but has also helped the teachers to enhance delivery in a big way.

With the beginning of the digital ecosystem, learning is taking a new curve. It has enabled educators to manage teamwork through smart classrooms and facilitate the students in building up strong communication with everyone.

The usage of digital, Internet-based learning and communication systems in instruction and education is increasing frequently. Millennials are progressively more inclined to digital culture. In view of this, essential questions are raised about the influence of digital media on improving the helpfulness of the teaching-learning process in universities and schools.

New literacy is essential to deal with the influence of digital media technologies. Educators require discovering the most excellent practice of digital media.

Digital Media: Redefining Education in the 21st Century

By means of digital technologies, teachers are able to get better participation of their students in studies and learning. Technological capabilities facilitate huge intellect of cooperation in the classroom and create good quality communication skills. The benefits of digital media depend according to its usage from person to person.

Digital media has become a powerful means of connecting, communicating, creating, and learning among students. Internet of things (IoT) has radically transformed the condition of education in the country over the past few years. Digitalization has brought in modern methods of teaching inside and outside the classrooms.

Technology in the 21st century is bringing dramatic changes in our lives. It is hard to imagine life without smartphones and internet. The Indian government is also pushing the agenda of integrating technology into education at all levels through its Digital India program.

Educational entities are migrating from traditional mediums of teaching to more sophisticated methodologies involving the use of digital media technologies. Institutes are gradually introducing digital practices. Computer-based learning has become common in the education domain. Examinations are no longer limited to pen and paper. Learning also no longer revolves around the ability to just read, write and cram syllabus.

Digital media is now the new driver of change. Growth of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology etc. is bringing resounding impact on the evolution of education. These growth drivers are also changing employment dynamics as new skills and understanding are required to meet the future demands of the job industry. That is why educational institutes are compelled to incorporate digitization in the learning process to impart critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and problem-solving traits in students. The curriculum should also focus on innovations in technology and the general skills required to deal with modern businesses.

Such transformational changes due to digital media are bound to take education to a higher level.

Further Readings:

Digital Marketing in Higher Education: Importance, Benefits and Impact

Impact of Digital Marketing on Academia

