More students are now availing counselling sessions at IIT Bombay


The rising concern on mental well-being and prosperity isn’t the perfect all the rage for corporate experts. As per Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay’s Student Wellness Center (SWC), 2021-22 years has seen the quantity of researchers profiting directing meetings twofold in contrast with the year before.

According to information incorporated by SWC, 626 students utilized counselling sessions in instructional exercise a year in 2021-2022, two times the quantity of undergrads which profited them in 2020-2021, the number being 310.

Out of the individuals who profited this year, 210 students are from Undergraduate projects while 203 are from Ph.D programs.

The increase of students availing counselling sessions has been set apart by the developing cognizance among students about the meaning of mental wellbeing and furthermore the pressure and tension they might have looked at during the COVID-19 curfews.

Referencing the drives taken up by the SWC to unfurl awareness, Prof Kundu additionally added, “In the midst of the pandemic when students were home, away from the grounds, a few connected with the SWC. Moreover, with an expansion in all our students’ solidarity, we have extended the offices.”

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