When adopting ed tech tools, keep accessibility a top priority


Dive Brief:

  • Diane Brauner, manager of the Paths to Technology website at the Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts, is excited about new educational apps designed for visually impaired students, such as braille displays that work with touchscreens to support reading and writing skills, she wrote recently in eSchoolNews.
  • Other tools also take advantage of technology to bring more accessibility to learning materials. These include earcons, which translate visual information into specific, audio cues transmitted through a digital device such as a computer.
  • Brauner notes that companies developing educational tools for the visually impaired work on building teacher guides, as well, helping educators learn how to best weave these tools into a student’s individual education program.

Disclaimer: This is an excerpt, you can read the originally published article oEducationDive here.

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