Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur: Leaders of Future #MygrateU


The connect with ones’ alma mater helps a student not only be connected and feel nostalgic of memories but also add value to your institute. Alumni are the reflection of what the institute stands for. Moreover, on the flip side, they help the institute stay connected with the key trends of the corporate and the dynamics.

The dynamics are not limited to corporate but something more than that, where alumni believe in giving back to society what they have got from their faculties, from their institution in terms of values and learnings. Social Media is an integrated way to the success of these initiatives in today’s era and that’s where the campaign #MYgrateU leveraged the untapped power of digital media.


  • To share alumni experience during summer school leadership program.
  • To promote Summer School Leadership Program
  • Highlighting the key concepts taught in the program.

 Strategic Approach:

Run the campaign to highlight the benefits of Summer School Leadership Program at IIM Udaipur.

  • Collect testimonials from Alumni and post in social media.
  • To share the journey experience from being a consultant or a part of top management to working for social initiative and projects during the leadership program.

 Hashtags: #MYgrateU

Target Audience:

Socializing the Summer School Leadership Program at IIM Udaipur to the relevant stakeholders

  • Alumni
  • MBA aspirants For Summer Schools Leadership Program

Social Media Platforms Used: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram


A vast alumni network can also help to redefine institute’s development process because it’s possible to feel quality through its alumni’s work exposure in corporate and other areas. This may be an easier starting point for institute when connecting with students.

The objective behind the #MYgrateU is to showcase and share what the alumnus of IIM Udaipur are doing apart from being a successful business management head. What they have earned and learned from Institute are returning back to society by helping and fighting for the social cause. It is really a great work that top B schools Management students are doing and that’s where creating a difference among other management graduates.

Unique Digital Proposition

From the experiences of alumni in the corporate to their connect back on campus, to their experiences on campus, the campaign #MYgrateU is designed to leverage the idea of this nostalgia with creativity to help keep the connection alive.  However, the social media campaign helps in two aspects

  • Social Cause Initiatives

Firstly, Helps connect the Alumni community online and stay in touch within themselves and with their institute. This campaign helps them stay connected to the alumni activity on a constant basis by sharing the initiative taken by the alumni for the betterment of society.

Secondly, the new aspirants get a glimpse of what life at IIM Udaipur is, in terms of the culture and value addition.

  • Social Media Stories


Facebook posts are aimed to shot for highlighting the overall experience of alumni at the campus, how the embedded values of IIM Udaipur have transformed their overall life. And the journey not landed up being a part of the corporate culture but working hard for the betterment of society, fighting against all odds of a social cause. It gives high head inspirations for graduates and motivates them to think beyond business.

 “90% of Institute use Facebook’s storytelling for alumni connect”

In each post, the experience covers the reason of choosing such a challenging path, prompt audience to read the entire post.

“I am a finance graduate from China, having work experience in the Chinese stock market for a couple of years. During those years, I realized that I was not contributing anything to my society from the work that I was doing. I felt that in my company, we were just making the rich, richer which felt very meaningless to me


Twitter post is the same as what they have posted on Facebook, but very precise in terms of the message they want to share with the audience. The Twitter post has seen a good level of engagement in terms of retweet and likes.


Instagram stories are about their projects, covering the leadership aspect of alumni working closely with the projects. And how successfully they have completed the projects, their learning out comes and how grateful they are for getting this opportunity from the institute.  Each post has unique way of presenting ideas, values, learning along with black and white creatives that makes it more soothing for audience in first attention.
