Students from foreign boards are now being given admission approval by CBSE


The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has permitted affiliated schools to concede students from foreign boards with practically no earlier endorsement.

A rundown of equivalency of classes 10 and 12 of foreign boards with comparative classes of CBSE has likewise been delivered on the board’s site at

If the name of the board from where a student is coming to India (CBSE) is accessible on the rundown, then, at that point, the school can give admission to the student, if in any case qualified. No endorsement from the board is presently needed for giving admission to the student of the foreign boards.

Since affirmations are given to the students of different loads up dependent on the equivalency of classes of two unique loads up, each time when students are moving from foreign boards to the CBSE, they apply through school to the CBSE to give the endorsement to look for confirmation in classes 9 to 12 dependent on the equivalency.

In the post time of crown pandemic, numerous families are moving to India for different reasons. Subsequently, numerous students concentrating abroad in foreign boards are joining schools partnered to the CBSE. Keeping the current conditions and issues looked by these students and their families, CBSE has concluded that now ahead, no such earlier endorsement is needed by the students from the board to look for confirmation in the schools associated with the CBSE, the focal board said in an assertion.

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